sábado, 5 de octubre de 2013

Tourism in the Province of Darien

Tourism in the Province of Darien

Cultural Attractions in the province of Darien
The main attraction are the indigenous groups and great craftsmanship, among these are the groups Embera and Kuna Wounaan. This province is ideal for people who want to enjoy nature and spectacular views.

Attractions in the province of Darien
Darien National Park : Covering an area of 579,000 hectares , is one of the richest regions in the world, was declared a UNESCO world biosphere reserve hereditary . Its species of plants are in excess among them are oversights , which bloom in shades of red and orange , Tabebuia guayacán , bromeliads and many more .

There are seven mammals found only in this park as the plowman Darien and four-eyed fox , of the more than 450 birds there five are endemic to the region and the beautiful and the Tanager Treerunner nuquiverde . Even species in danger of extinction live in Darien and the harpy eagle, tapirs surly , the five species of cats that are the puma, peanut fat , jaguar , ocelot and margay congo . The park 's most important rivers rise as Tuira region , Rafts, Sambu and Jaque 

Yaviza: It's the end of the Pan American Highway, the majority of the population is black, there are the remains of a Spanish fort that guarded the entrance to the gold mines and Rio Turquoise cane

Geographic Location

is located at the eastern end limiting:
North: In the province of Panama and the San Blas region.
South: With the Pacific Ocean and the country Colombia.
By this: With the republic.

It consists mainly in its central part by undulating plain on which are the valleys of the rivers Chucunaque and Tuira. Its upper reach 1500-1800 m above sea level.

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